Friday, December 3, 2010

Company Charging To Perform Walk-through

Edith Piaf - Qu'il était triste cet Anglais (How sad was this Englishman)


Edith Piaf

C'était le décor attendu
D'un bar de la Tamise
Avec son ennui répandu
Comme une fumée grise
Son frisson de journaux froissés
Son tintement de verres
Et les murmures étouffés
De ses clients sévères

It was sad that Englishman
Whose hand of time had been
Qu'estomper gently strokes her face

From All alone, motionless and mute
Standing near the bar, he drank
It looked like he
returned from a long trip

When he had drunk too suddenly
From his eyes two tears slipped
Someone said: "Now he's drunk!"
And then seconds passed ...

Yet I who watched
It hugged me, hugged me that I
mingled his silent tears
The whole earth
Because I did not understand
What he said just for him:
"My beloved stayed in Paris ..."

Maybe he had exhausted all
Or he dragged a heart worn
For a life too hard? Had he
the spleen of marine
To the promised land?
Or was he a great sorrow
one simple stupidity?

it was sad that Englishman
That each night I found
Carrying the weight of his secret
All alone, motionless and mute
Standing near the bar, he drank the same game recommenced

Every table

Some watched below
And the tears I heard him laugh
: "That qu'il es soûl! "
C'est tout ce qu'ils trouvaient à dire

Mais quand je m'approche de lui
Il me confia d'un air surpris:
" My beloved stayed in Paris ...
Stayed in Paris ... "
S'il vous plaît, barman, qu'est-ce qu'il a
Et le barman me répondit:
" Sa bien-aimée est à Paris ...
Morte, peut-être ... "

Qu'il était triste cet Anglais (How sad was this Englishman)

interior was predictable
The bar on the Thames
Boredom is vital to the bar,
As gray smoke
With its rustling of crumpled newspapers,
With its sound glasses,
With his hushed whisper,
stringent customer

How sad was this Englishman,
And time has done nothing except how
tarnished his facial features,
alone, motionless and silent stood
next to the bar, he drank
One could say that he came from
long journey.

When he unexpectedly much to drink,
tears rolled from his eyes,
Someone said: "As he was drunk!"
And then underwent a second

Yet, I looked at him,
It weighed on me, it weighed on me,
I contacted his secret tears
all the land,
Since I do not quite understand,
What he said to himself:
"My favorite has remained in Paris" (line in English)

Maybe he's tired of all the adventures?
Or he dragged his worn-out heart
Too complicated life?
Was his spleen Seaman
On Promised Land?
Or he was a strong sadness
Because of the simple stupidity?

How sad was this Englishman,
whom every night I've ever met,
Carrying the burden of his secret
all alone, immobile and silent
stood next to the bar, he drank,
Same game began
Behind each table.

Some looked at him askance,
And it tears them amused
I heard: "As he was drunk!"
Here's what they said.

But when I approached him,
He has entrusted me with wonder views:
"My favorite has remained in Paris ...
stay in Paris ... "
Please barman, what happened to him
And the bartender replied:
" His favorite in Paris ...
dead, perhaps ... "

1) alive.
shade 2) clouding (Haze)
3) Perrin. obscure, mitigate

impénétrable - bldg. incomprehensible
regarder en dessous - look sullenly



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